Saturday, April 26, 2008

Crazy Lady

That's me. It's crunch time. I now have less than a week before we leave for my sister's wedding. That means less than a week to finish any projects for the shop and the bridal shower (a big thanks to Tristin for the great shower game idea!), clean my house, do any last minute shopping, pack my family up, and take care of anything else that possibly could (and usually does) come up. Last year it was a piece of fun foam up my preschoolers nose and a visit to the ENT, please let's not go there again!
The best part is when you have finally finished (or
tried) completing that check list and are at your destination.
It is so fun to visit family and not worry about
the cares at home! We miss being so close!
Until then, here are the 2 newest additions to my family of Activity Mats: Makin' Robots and Spellin' Bee. I am especially excited about the spelling one because my daughter is so ready have something like this! She is so excited to get on the computer and practice typing out words. I think it will be great to have this to take along on our trip and other places...she can practice spelling any where and every where. I will be posting the two extras ( 1 robot and 1 spelling) that I made in the shop later this afternoon! Enjoy!

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