Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sneezing, Sewing and Snow

This will be the combo for today: sneezing, sewing and snow. My school girl will be staying home today due to her persistant coughs and sneezes, we are hoping that we can cure it before trick or treating! I've got a list a mile long of sewing that needs done, including the rest of my costume, stockings, 2 quilts and a few custom orders. And to top it all off...we woke up to snow, again, this morning! {don't get me wrong, I love snow, just not this week.} Burrrrrrrr!


Jill said...

Love the railing on the deck. It wasn't there last time we were there!! Good luck with the sneezes. You better post pictures of all your costumes!!

Katrine said...

Good luck with your sewing and I hope the sneezes past soon!