Monday, June 22, 2009

Biga or Bust

Bust! That was my experience with Biga. Last week I went to an artisan bread class with my mom. {I really want to check "Learn how to make a great loaf of bread" off my list}. The teacher was fabulous and really motivated me to make more homemade bread. We kneaded and kneaded and kneaded. My arms were SO tired! After kneading for almost half of the 3 hour class I took home the YUMMIEST (no exaggeration..none!) loaf of bread I have ever eaten! She baked a loaf of Rye while we were there. I wasn't too sure about trying it. Those dark breads like rye and pumpernickel just aren't my thing, but it just melted in my mouth and if I didn't know better, I would've thought it was dessert - so sweet!
The point I am getting to is that I was determined to start making my own at home. I was totally okay with working up to the "great" loaf, even if it took several tries to get there. Well, it bombed...kind of. My biga was way to wet. My loaf didn't rise as much as it should've and it looks like I will be making a million loaves before this skill gets perfected.

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